Icons are no longer showing as Thumbnails

Icons are no longer showing as Thumbnails

Icons are no longer showing as Thumbnails

Symptom: Your design thumbnails are no longer showing the design image but only showing as icons.

Reasons this may happen:

  1. An update in your computer may have changed the setting for showing the icons.  This may be a windows update or another program.  
  1. Windows may need to re-index your thumbnails. See instructions below.
  1. If some of your thumbnails show but not all of them, your computer may not have enough available resources to show all the thumbnails.  Try to re-index thumbnails or make more space available on your computer.

How to re-index thumbnails:

Close Hatch Software and any other programs you have running.

Run a disk cleanup of the Thumbnails.

Open DIsk Cleanup > Run As Administrator (Disk Cleanup wizard will start scanning) 

Select C: > Thumbnails > 

Disc Cleanup will ask you as per below 

Once completed, Re-Launch the Hatch Embroidery software. This will remove the black background of the thumbnails. 

If you have any questions or problems, please raise the ticket request here https://help.hatchembroidery.com.