Hatch Embroidery Update/Upgrade Policy

Hatch Embroidery Update/Upgrade Policy

Hatch Embroidery offers the following update variations:  

1. Updates within the same version number (identified with new letters) - FREE

There may be several of these. They may be a combination of minor new features, a maintenance update, bug fixes, feature and performance enhancements, etc. While these are not required, we do encourage you to update them for the best performance of your Hatch Embroidery software.

An example would be v1.0B, V1.0G, V1.0R which you may have seen available during the life-cycle of Hatch Embroidery 1. Or V2.0, V2.1, V2.1_R4, for Hatch Embroidery v2. V3.0, v3.01, v3.05, etc.

Hatch Embroidery 1 had 6 free updates. Hatch Embroidery 2 had 5 free updates. We continue to have free updates if you own Hatch 3.

They are within the same version number and at no charge to the customer.


2. Updates within the same version number to incorporate new add-on options - PAID

Occasionally, within the same version, we may offer additional add-on options such as new font packs. These will always be optional and not required. They can be purchased at any time as long as they remain available for sale.


3. Updates with a NEW version number (identified with numerical changes) - PAID

When we have major new features to add to the product, we will offer it in a new version and there will be a cost associated with this update.  The update cost is minimum and required for us to continue the development and support of new features. The update is optional and only necessary if you want to make use of these brand-new features.

An example would be v1.0 to v2.0 or v2.0 to v3.0.


Hatch Embroidery offers the following upgrade variations:

4. Upgrade from one level to a higher level - PAID

When you are ready to move to a higher level of the software with more features, this will be an upgrade. It is within the same version that you currently own.  Such as Personalizer v2 to Composer v2 or Composer v3 to Digitizer v3.  There is always a charge for this.


Policy: For updates with a new version number:

If you have purchased the product and paid the full list price within 30 days of the new paid update being released (refer to #2 and #3 above), your update will be FREE. If you purchased the product at a discounted price or more than 30 days prior to the release, the update is optional and not free. Again, updates are at a minimum price and you do not need to buy the software again.


30-Day Money-back Guarantee:

If you purchase an update, we offer a one-time 30-day money-back guarantee. If you decide to request your money back within the 30-day period, we will process the refund and your license will revert back to the version you owned before updating. Please read our refund policy here: https://hatchembroidery.com/money-back-guarantee/
Please note that the 30-day money-back guarantee does not apply to the EmbroideryConnect WiFi Device.


NOTE: Be sure not to mix Upgrades and Updates.

If you have any questions about what you own and possible updates or upgrades, please contact our Hatch support team and they are happy to help answer your questions.  Contact support