How to assign your own thread brand if it is not showing in the My Threads Docker:
To select a different thread brand:
1. Click “My Thread Charts” icon on far left side of My Threads Docker
2. The Threads charts dialog box will open
Find your thread (or threads) listed in the left side window and click on it to select.
3. Click on the > symbol in the middle to move it to the right.
4. It will now show up on the right side under "My charts"
Add any other brands you want to show in "My Threads" docker
5. Click "OK" to close the dialog box and apply the new threads
After clicking "OK" the dialog box will close and all threads that were listed on the right side will appear in your "My Threads" docker.
TIP: If you do not want to keep one of the brands showing on the right side:
1. Select the thread brand on the right side
2. Click on the “<” symbol button in the middle
3. It will now be moved back to the left side
4. Click “OK” to close the dialog box and apply the new threads