How do I save the design files to my machine format?

How do I save the design files to my machine format?

Save to .EMB first before saving to your machine file!


  1. You will save all your files first as .EMB

This is your “working file”. This is the file you will want to open if you need to come back to the design for edits at a later time.  You will not want to open your machine file to do edits if you have the .EMB as your results will be better working with the .EMB file.  The .EMB file contains all the information about your design as when you were working with it originally.  Stitch files do not retain all the information.

           File Menu > Save As - Select .EMB as the format to save as.


  1. You will then save the file to your machine format

This is known as the “stitch file”.

There are two ways to do this:

                   1.  Click on the Output Design Toolbox (left side)

Click on Export Design

Select the format for your machine and save

2.  Click on File Menu > Export Design

3. You will then save the design to your USB or other device that your machine can read

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