How do I create a new Thread Chart and add RGB values?

How do I create a new Thread Chart and add RGB values?

How to create a new Thread Chart in Hatch Embroidery and add RGB values

If you have the RGB values of a Thread Chart that is not included in the software, you can create your own. There are many steps so this method is not recommended if you have a lot to enter.

1.  Open the "My Threads" docker


2.  Click on “My Threads Chart"


3.  Click on “Manage”


4.  Click on “Create”


5.  Enter the name you want for your new thread chart

         Click “OK”


6.  Click “Add” to add individual colors


7.  Add your individual thread information

Click on the down arrow for “Color” to select the color you want to show then continue to fill out the other information. Click "OK" when finished.


8.  If you have specific RGB values to add:

Click on the down arrow of the color and select “More Colors”


9.  Click on the “Custom” tab

Enter the RGB (Red, Green, Blue) values then click "OK"


10.  Check the color information you had entered and click “OK”


11.  Click “Add” to add additional colors and repeat the process

You will notice that your newly added colors will appear in the list.


For additional information on Thread charts check out the Hatch Online Documentation

Manage Thread Charts