Hatch 3 Preliminary checks
If you are having problems with your Hatch Embroidery, it’s a good idea to carry out a few basic system checks. These include your PC specifications, your CPU/RAM specifications, as well as your available hard disk space.
See System requirements
To check CPU/RAM specifications:
1) Open the MS Windows®’s File Explorer.

2) Right-click This PC and select Properties from the drop list to access system settings.

3) Check the MS Windows® version, the CPU and the amount of RAM.
4) Right-click the hard-disk drive icon (usually C:) and select Properties from the drop list to access local disk settings.
5) Check the hard-disk capacity as well as any free space. This must be greater than 40 Mb or 10% of your total hard drive space, whichever is the greater amount.
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