A valid license to run Hatch Embroidery could not be found. (H0007) in Hatch 3 [Mac or Windows PC]

A valid license to run Hatch Embroidery could not be found. (H0007) in Hatch 3 [Mac or Windows PC]

SECURITY ERROR: A valid license to run Hatch Embroidery could not be found. (H0007) 

This may indicate that the file on your computer associated with your license has become corrupt and needs to be re-installed.

PRE-REQUISITE: Temporarily disable your antivirus and Windows Firewall

Prior to Download and Installation : 

Temporarily disable any anti-virus installed on this computer.

Temporarily disable your internet browser pop-up blocker to continue downloading the update.

Internet should be on a stable connection, cable connected if possible to avoid any connection interruptions.  


How to Turn Microsoft Defender Firewall on or off? - Here's how - https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/turn-microsoft-defender-firewall-on-or-off-ec0844f7-aebd-0583-67fe-601ecf5d774f  


SOLUTION: Install the HASP Driver 

Operating System: [Mac iOS or Windows PC]




1. Please make sure you're running the latest Hatch 3. 

The version 3.1.5 download link is here - https://help.hatchembroidery.com/portal/en/kb/articles/how-do-i-re-download-my-hatch-embroidery-software

Once you have the file downloaded. Right-click the file Hatch3_Setup.exe > Select Run as Administrator to Install the HATCH 3 software update


2. Once the Hatch ver 3.1.5 is installed. Set the HATCH 3 to run as administrator, follow the steps here - How to run Hatch Embroidery 3 as administrator?


3. Then proceed in installing the latest HASP Driver for HATCH 3. 

From Windows Program Menu, locate Hatch Embroidery 3 

Click Reinstall HASP Driver [please refer to the screenshot] 

Restart your computer and this should automatically re-enable both your Windows Firewall and antivirus. 


4. With Hatch 3 closed, kindly open your antivirus program and include the Wilcom folders in the antivirus exclusion list. 

The Wilcom Folder to add to your Anti Virus / Protection Software exclusion list is listed below:

C:\Program Files\Wilcom   



MAC / Parallels :  Hatch 3 Trial is not supported on MAC / Parallels. We do offer a 30-day full refund should you purchase then change your mind.